As noted in HAZCON previous Blog earlier in the year on this subject, you will start to notice information been released nationally for organisations and individuals working in the logistics industry that will detail the New National Heavy Vehicle Law (HVHL). This means if you consign, pack, load or receive goods as part of your business, you could be held legally liable for breaches of the HVNL even though you have no direct role in driving or operating a heavy vehicle. In addition, corporate entities, directors, partners and managers are accountable for the actions of people under their control. This is the Chain of Responsibility (CoR).
Fines, penalties and sentences are due to rise to an eye-watering $300,000 for individuals and $3 million for companies, plus possible prison terms up to 5 years, when significant amendments to the CoR regime commence in 2018. This could leave many individuals and companies horribly exposed.
These possible fines and sentences will be in-line with Work Health and Safety Legislation and the Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 for Reckless Endangerment.
What actions can you take?
The HVNL will require duty holders to manager risks and implement adequate control measures to eliminate or minimise the risks that may affect your business. The development of a Risk Management Plan (RMP) that is consistent with AS/NS ISO 31000:2009 Risk Management Principles and guidelines, would be a great start.
HAZCON has the appropriate resources and individuals that have industry knowledge that can assist you with the development of the Risk Management Plans prior to the commencement of the HVNL.
For further details please contact us on 1800 429 266 or
Tags:Andy Perry |