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Emergency! Planning and Training

Posted by Richard Forster on 17 October 2023

As Australia moves towards Summer there will be an increasing focus on emergency management with regards to bushfires and other types of emergencies.

From a compliance perspective, there is a need for emergency management planning and training the workforce on the emergency management plan.

The employer should ensure that an emergency management plan (EMP) is prepared for the workplace, including for workers who may work at multiple workplaces.

An EMP is a written set of instructions that outlines what employees and others at the workplace should do in an emergency. An EMP should provide for the following:

  • emergency procedures, including: − an effective response to an emergency − evacuation procedures − notifying emergency service organisations at the earliest opportunity − medical treatment and assistance, and − effective communication between the person authorised to coordinate the emergency response and all people at the workplace;
  • testing of the emergency procedures—including the frequency of testing; and
  • information, training and instruction to relevant workers in relation to implementing the emergency procedures.

The types of emergencies to plan for may include fire, explosion, medical emergency, rescues, incidents with hazardous chemicals, bomb threats, armed confrontations and natural disasters such as bushfires and flooding.

An EMP does not necessarily have to be lengthy or complex. It should be easy to understand and tailored to the specific workplace where they apply. In preparing an emergency plan, all relevant matters need to be considered including:

  • the nature of the work being carried out at the workplace;
  • the nature of the hazards at the workplace;
  • the size and location of the workplace, for example, remoteness, proximity to health services; and
  • the number and composition of the workers, for example, employees, contractors, and other persons at the workplace such as visitors.

Special consideration may need to be provided for workers who travel for work, work alone or in remote locations.

An EMP may include:

  • emergency contact details for key personnel who have specific roles or responsibilities under the emergency plan such as first aiders or emergency wardens;
  • contact details for local emergency services, for example police, fire brigade and poison information centre;
  • how to sound the alarm;
  • evacuation procedures including arrangements for assisting any hearing, vision or mobility impaired people;
  • a map of the workplace illustrating the location of fire protection equipment, emergency exits, assembly points;
  • processes for advising neighbouring businesses about emergencies;
  • post-incident follow-up process (debrief), for example notifying the regulator, organising trauma counselling or medical treatment;
  • specific details on managing high risk situations as applicable, such as chemical spills, trench collapse, confined space issues, or use of safety harnesses.

An EMP should be accessible and employees trained in emergency response.

Further details relating to training your team in how to:

  • Prevent;
  • Plan;
  • Prepare;
  • Respond; and
  • Recover

Can be found here Emergency Warden & Initial Fire Attack Training (hazcon.com.au)

Additional information may be found here:

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Compliance code: Workplace amenities and work environment | WorkSafe Victoria


Author:Richard Forster


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