Many of us are now regularly working with contractors in our workplace. The changing nature of work activities mean that the use of contractors, including labour hire is on the increase.
Use of contractors in itself does not result in poor health and safety standards, but failure to manage contractors can lead to serious injuries, ill health, additional costs and delays to projects.
Anyone engaging contractors has health and safety duties both for the contractors and others that could be affected by their work activities. In short, managing contractors can be a complex process.
HAZCON personnel have experience in the various facets of managing contractors. We are able to assist you by:
Auditing your current arrangements for managing contractors (from tender stage through to completion of the work and review) using a specially developed audit tool;
Producing the relevant OHS documentation, systems and processes for managing contractors. These may include policies, health and safety co-ordination plans, risk assessments, safe work method statements, checklists and other monitoring tools that will eliminate or greatly reduce the likelihood of harm;
Undertaking workplace inspections of your contractors work activities to aid the monitoring process; and
Providing your employees with the training and skills necessary to manage contractors and raise awareness.
Unfortunately incidents involving contractors are common place presenting serious ramifications yet there is little guidance from the Regulator on this specific topic.
If you would like to know more on how HAZCON may assist you in successfully managing your contractors please contact us.