October is National Safe Work Month in Australia. A time of the year when the safety community and workplaces come together around a central theme. In 2022 the chosen theme is
“Think safe, work safe, be safe”
Think safe—is the first step to thinking about health and safety, which covers the planning and forethought that employers and small business owners must do to identify risks and maintain healthy and safe workplaces.
Work safe—is about implementing health and safety measures to manage risks including the practical steps you can take to reduce risk and avoid workplace incidents.
Be safe—considers the ongoing process of managing and monitoring health and safety risks – it is not a one off.
Everyone has the right to be safe at work. The air you, your workers and others breathe at work can be hazardous and cause lung damage. Occupational lung diseases are conditions of the respiratory system caused by workplace exposure to dusts, gases, fumes, vapours mists and microorganisms.
Promotional kit download: https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/national-safe-work-month-2021-week-3-promo-kit
Week 4 - Inside and out
Being safe inside and out includes identifying and managing the workplace hazards which can cause harm to workers, whether working in an office environment or outside. Employers must eliminate or reduce workplace risks to ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, the health and safety of their workers.
Promotional kit download: https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/national-safe-work-month-2021-week-4-promo-kit
If you wish to get involved, please see the following
Further information about National Safe Work Month https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/national-safe-work-month
National Safe Work Month campaign kit https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/national-safe-work-month
Related initiatives such as
· Have a safety chat over a cuppa
· Mental health day
· People at work – assessing psychosocial risks (access to free online tool)
· Be upstanding (access to free behaviour-based change program)
· Lung foundation collaboration
· What is happening for National Safe Work Month across Australia
Enjoy, stay safe and healthy!