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Open for business

Posted by Richard Forster on 9 June 2020

Everyone is to some extent affected by the current situation regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The sheer volume of information on this topic has been mind boggling. It is extremely important that we follow instruction and consider information from credible sources. HAZCON has been open for business following all government requirements but it is not what you might call business as usual by any stretch of the imagination!

As a specialist Health, Safety & Environmental (HSE) Services company, we provide a professional service to a wide variety of companies and industries throughout Australia. This has been impacted on by border restrictions, social distancing requirements and a client-base that may also be 'open for business', yet have staff working predominantly from home. Quite simply, there are a lot of dynamics to consider. As an HSE Services company, we understand the issues on hand and are in a good place to provide specific support and guidance, as well as being able to signpost reputable sources of information.

In a previous blog ('Looking after yourself so that you may look after others' - dated 22nd April 2020)
the focus was on the mindset of the individual. The blog also contained references to the following credible sources:

  • Australian Government Department of Health www.health.gov.au
  • World Health Organisation www.who.int
  • Centres for Disease Control and Prevention  www.cdc.gov

As more Australian businesses seek to be 'open for business', it is extremely important that employers/persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU's), persons with management or control and Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs) take heed of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) and Work Health and Safety (WHS) legal requirements in their relative state or territory.

This is a moving feast and currency is the key. Credible sources for OHS/WHS include:

  • Safe Work Australia https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/covid-19-information-workplaces

Current information is available on the following:

  • Industry information on COVID-19
  • Duties under WHS laws
  • Mental health
  • Working from home

The following provide links to specific regulators' COVID-19 web pages:

Please do check in regularly to ensure that your business is current and compliant. Most importantly, stay safe and healthy!
Author:Richard Forster
Tags:Richard Forster


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