Posted by Ian Good
on 26 February 2019
A hazard is something that can cause harm and risk is a measure of the likelihood and consequence of the harm that is likely to eventuate. Consideration should then be given to risk controls that either eliminate or control the risk to a level that is reasonably practicable.
When the World...
Posted by Andy Perry
on 12 February 2019
A Victorian Magistrate has recently prosecuted a self-employed person for breaches of the Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004. These breached included, Sections 24 and 32 which describes a duty of a self-employed person not to expose other persons to risks arising from their cond...
Posted by Andy Perry
on 8 January 2019
As we start a new year many employees will be returning to work, catching up with emails, potential projects and even sharing news of their holiday break with others in the workplace.
This is an ideal opportunity for employers to refresh their personnel with information and training, such ...
Posted by Andy Perry
on 4 December 2018
As previously outlined in my last Blog in October, managing contractors is an on-going requirement to demonstrate compliance with legislation and industry standards. Generally, Principal Contractors are required to submit a Work Health and Safety (WHS) Management Plan or a Health and Safety Co...
Posted by Richard Forster
on 20 November 2018
Compliance codes are an important part of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) legislative framework In Victoria. They provide practical guidance to duty holders. If a person complies with a provision of a compliance code, they are deemed to comply with the OHS legislative duty covered by ...