Here in Victoria, it has been interesting as a layperson, to see the evolution environmental management from the almost impenetrable into something that may mirror and rival Occupational health and safety (OHS) in its application.
New environmental laws are intended to come into effect on 1 July 2021. This was delayed from 1 July 2020 due to COVID-19. The laws will require all businesses to prevent and manage the risks of harm to people and the environment from their activities.
The laws will introduce a duty focused on prevention, called the general environmental duty (referred to as GED). This duty requires you to eliminate or reduce the risks of harm to people or the environment from pollution and waste, so far as reasonably practicable. These are terms that are no stranger to any person involved in OHS.
This means you will need to proactively manage the risks of harm, as well as deal with the impacts of pollution and waste after they have occurred.
The new laws apply to all businesses in Victoria, from small retail stores to large factories.
Businesses need to:
A risk management process is recommended that does indeed mirror that of OHS. The infographic below is shown on the Environment Protection Authority Victoria website
EPA has acknowledged the similarity by stating that.
"Larger businesses or those with greater risks of harm may require systems, procedures and documentation. Some businesses may already be managing some environmental risks through their efforts to comply with Victoria's occupational health and safety laws. For example, using and storing chemicals and fuels safely, and keeping their business clean and tidy"
To help identify what is reasonably practicable under the GED, the following questions need to be answered for your activity:
Again, practically the same as with OHS.
'State of knowledge' is all the information you should reasonably know about managing your business's risks.
This includes information from:
EPA provides clear and accessible industry guidance. This helps businesses manage their environmental risks.
In theory it should make managing OHS and environmental issues easier and may lead to more integrated management systems. Time will tell.