1800 429 266

Excavation and Trenching Awareness 

Duration: 2 hours

Aim: To provide individuals with an understanding of legislative obligations under the applicable Health and Safety Regulations for hazardous tasks and/or activities. The awareness workshop will provide participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to identify and manage risks when working in or near excavations or trenches.

Key Areas Covers:

  • Legislative obligations including roles and responsibilities;
  • Review the current Codes for Excavations and Trenching;
  • Risk identification, assessment and relevant control strategies;
  • Development and implementation of Job Safety Environment Analysis (JSEA) and/or Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) for high risk construction work; and
  • Review relevant case studies for discussions.

Target Audience: Employers, Project Managers, Person's with Management and Control of workplaces, such as Principal Contractors and Workers involved in the high-risk activity.

If you are interested you can contact us on 1800 429 266 or on email: training@hazcon.com.au


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