Lead, Motivate and Inspire

Course Overview:

The best leaders have the ability to share their vision with passion and commitment, giving their people a purpose, a challenge they are
willing to embrace and carry on to achieve amazing results.

This one day activity based training program will empower you as a leader in bringing out the best in yourself and others by exploring the most critical leadership success factors of strong leadership that will help you bring your people together, motivate, energize and inspire them to their full potential to achieve amazing things.

Duration:  One day of interactive 'face to face' training

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this training course participants will be able to:

  • Describe the roles and responsibilities of a true leader;
  • Clearly understand the difference between the roles of managers and the roles of leaders;
  • List the main essential roles of a leader;
  • Understand what motivates people and explain the 4motive motivational model;
  • Identify what employees want from a leader;
  • Understand different perspectives and what defines a true leader;
  • Find out their preferred leadership style;
  • Balance team, task and individual functions;
  • Identify what it takes to role model strong leadership;
  • List the leadership critical success factors; and
  • Create an action plan.

Target Audience:

People managers, line managers, new managers and supervisors; teams and work groups aiming for a more dynamic and effective work environment; and business professionals who want to develop or refresh practical skills and approaches to problem solving, creative idea generation and utilise decision making tools.

Certificate: Students will be issued with a Certificate of Attendance.

Want to learn more? Contact us here

Lead, Motivate and Inspire
Times: 8:30am - 4:30pm 
Cost: $340.00 per person including GST, comprehensive course notes & catering
Courses are organised on demandNotting HillPlease call
03 9545 5111

Want to learn more? Contact us here



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