Occupational Hygiene

HAZCON Pty Ltd provides a comprehensive range of services that address the majority of company HSE needs.

Our experienced occupational hygienists can assist you in determining whether the work environment is safe and healthy either through air monitoring for chemical contaminants, performing indoor air quality (e.g ventilation, temperature, vehicle exhaust contaminates), lighting) or noise surveysassessments, determining whether mould or clandestine laboratory remediation has been effective, or conducting manual handling and ergonomic assessments.

We will then provide expert advice as to how you can implement controls to address the unacceptable hazards and risks that have been identified.



Permits to Work (PTW) and associated isolation points - A better way of working

Posted on 1 January 2016
Statistics indicate that electrocution, being struck by plant or caught in plant is a fairly common risk category and most organisations have we...
Posted in:Peter Attwood  

Strategies to reduce manual handling injuries

Posted on 1 January 2016
Strategies to reduce manual handling injuries
During the 2015 Health and Safety Week the regulator revealed that manual handling injuries accounted for 40% of WorkCover claims and that the a...
Posted in:Richard Forster  

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