Posted by Richard Forster
on 8 August 2017
Across Australia consultation is a legal requirement and an essential part of successfully managing work-related health and safety risks. Whatever the jurisdiction, there is a wide range of guidance on consultation that covers when to consult, with whom and how. This allows organisations to de...
Posted by Andy Perry
on 25 July 2017
As noted in HAZCON previous Blog earlier in the year on this subject, you will start to notice information been released nationally for organisations and individuals working in the logistics industry that will detail the New National Heavy Vehicle Law (HVHL). This means if you consign, pa...
Posted by Andy Perry
on 11 July 2017
Many organisations have established Health and Safety Systems and assume the system will manage itself, until a mishap happens. Some conclusions are when the mishap happens 'the person didn't follow the system', such as Safe Work Instruction or minimal plant and equipment maintenan...
Posted by Ian Good
on 27 June 2017
I recently undertook the Alternate Knowledge Assessment, run by Newcastle University, on behalf of Safety Institute of Australia. Part of the assessment was to develop a SWMS, which if followed, would have avoided a crane related incident. The SWMS required an initial risk assessment to determ...
Posted by Richard Forster
on 13 June 2017
As of 18th June 2017, Victoria has new OHS law to comply with as the OHS Regulations 2007 sunset to be replaced with the newly made OHS Regulations 2017. This once in a decade event is a significant opportunity for modernisation and streamlining of the regulations to better reflect current Vic...