1800 429 266

Problem Solving and Decision Making

Course Overview:

This highly interactive workshop introduces a variety of creative solution generation and decision-making techniques that cover the fundamental principles. Participants will develop the skills necessary to analyse a problem, generate creative solutions, and decide which solution most closely matches their needs.

Duration:  1 Day of interactive 'face to face' training

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this training course participants will be able to:

  • Apply logical tools to properly analyse problems for root causes and contributory factors;
  • Establish and compare options in a variety of situations;
  • Identify the best choice from various options and address group think;
  • Achieve group consensus about important decisions;
  • Apply a four-step process to systematically solve problems and decide on appropriate solutions;
  • Use methods and tools (systematic process and fishbone diagramming) to discover the underlying cause of a problem;
  • Use brainstorming, mind mapping, and several other creative thinking techniques to generate possible solutions to the problem;
  • Use the following decision-making techniques: Pro/Con, Force Field Analysis, Decision Matrix, Feasibility/Capability Analysis, and Cost/Benefit Analysis; and
  • Create an action plan to implement the appropriate solution.

Target Audience:

People managers, line managers, new managers and supervisors; teams and work groups aiming for a more dynamic and effective work environment; and business professionals who want to develop or refresh practical skills and approaches to problem solving, creative idea generation and utilise decision making tools.

Certificate: Students will be issued with a Certificate of Attendance.

Want to learn more? Contact us here


Problem Solving and Decision Making
Times: 8:30am - 4:30pm 
Cost: $340.00 per person including GST, comprehensive course notes & catering
Courses are organised on demandNotting HillPlease call
03 9545 5111

Want to learn more? Contact us here



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