W201 Fundamentals of Occupational Hygiene

Duration: 5 days

Basic Principles in Occupational Hygiene is an introductory course outlining the broad principles of occupational hygiene as the basis for anticipation, recognition, evaluation and control of hazards that can be encountered in the workplace. It provides a practical understanding of occupational hygiene for people who need to manage or advise on workplace health issues in their employment and a foundation for students who wish to undertake more in-depth study in individual occupational hygiene subjects.

On successful completion of this course you should have a basic understanding of:

  • The value of occupational hygiene and the role of the occupational hygienist
  • The range of health hazards encountered in the workplace
  • Hazard recognition techniques
  • Sources and potential routes of occupational exposure
  • Exposure assessment and the measurement processes involved
  • Methods of controlling exposure
  • The management of occupational hygiene programmes

Book an expression of interest to attend IOHA training course/s or Contact Us. to find out more about this training course.



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